Arakaiene International Copyright- Arakaiene's Logo Repository In the spirit of promoting this directory we don't normally mind anybody ripping off any of our work, so long as you don't copy entire images and claim they are your own, and anything you copy isn't packaged in a product for sale.

However it this case images 1-15 in this collection are derived from the "Charlotte Church : Voice of an Angel, in Concert" DVD. Due to serious inconsistancies in the international copywrite laws pertaining to the reproduction of digital media, it is legal for a propriator to analogue extract limited amounts of material from digital media, and thereby legally modify the analogue extraction. However this does not grant us licence to distribute the derivative as our own work. This means that these images retain the original Sony copywrite restrictions.

As a side thing; 11 songs (35 minutes) on a DVD that's capable of containing over 2hrs! what a RIP OFF! Of course the easiest way to disguise this short comming is to include a 1 minute intro and a 30 minute "the making of" then say it goes for 66m 45s. SHAME SONY!

Buy both albums though. They're magical. Visit Charlotte Church Fans for all Charlotte related stuff.